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i-Catcher Help

Learn how to set up and use i-Catcher's features to their full potential.

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Advanced settings

The advanced settings window allows you to configure advanced Motion detection settings.


The triggers option allows you to manually set limits for the internal trigger value for motion. Normally this feature is automatically tuned by i-Catcher, although for trouble shooting or certain monitoring situations limiting the trigger level may be desirable. If you are monitoring areas of constant movement the tuning might eventually tune out the motion, limiting this value will allow detection to take place in motion rich environments.

Block/Step size: allows you to adjust the size of the "blocks" used in i-Catchers Motion detetion, and should be left at the default of 4.

Save images: will tell i-Catcher not to save any images if this option is unticked. This is useful if you just want alerting and a live view.

Detect non motion: Tells i-Catcher to invert its motion detection system so any non motion will be saved.