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i-Catcher Help

Learn how to set up and use i-Catcher's features to their full potential.

read more... File download area

Download all the i-Catcher software products, including legacy versions.

read more... Wildlife picture gallery

i-Catcher Wildlife captures fantastic scenes from nature. Have a look at some of the best.

read more... Capture equipment

Find out about suitable equipment for use with i-Catcher, from cameras to lighting, and more.

Cameras - Systems - Accessories - The i-Catcher CCTV Shop offering greated prices and technical support


If you want to protect the operation of i-Catcher from unauthorised access, use the security feature to password protect the application. In this mode the user is prompted to enter the password before the application can be restored or shutdown. Combined with the minimise at startup feature this provides the necessary features to protect your installation.