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Configuring recording

The Recording tab allows you to control the recording of footage


  • Record motion footage will instruct iCatcher Console to save to disk every frame in which motion has been detected unless Invert motion detection is enabled where it will save all non motion and ignore motion. This is useful with the pre event recording if you want to see what caused something to stop moving.
  • If Record all footage is enabled, then all non motion footage will be saved as well. Note that motion detection is still performed so you will still get alerts.
  • Some camera types can receive audio, which can be recorded to disk for playback using the Record Audio option
  • Only Show Motion in the Feed Window will make iCatcher Console only update the feed on-screen when motion is detected. By default, each frame retrieved from the camera is displayed. Enabling this option will mean that overlays such as timestamps will not get updated unless there is motion
  • If the Save overlay information on the image option is turned off, then iCatcher will try and improve performance be bypassing re-encoding. This has the effect of removing any overlays and masks from the saved image. Please note that this will always be enabled when you are using a non JPEG based video source, you have a solid mask or image flipping is enabled.
  • Stop monitoring when there is a video failure causes iCatcher to stop the feed completely when there is an error with the video feed. This stops repeated attempts to reconnect to a camera that may be off for a long time, e.g. on a time switch. After this, they will need to be manually started again when the camera returns.

There are also two options regarding storage in the feed settings. If enabled, a separate storage path can be configured independent of the system storage path. This can be used on large systems to spread the recordings across multiple disks.

The single file recording mode uses a recording file format where a single video file is used to hold the recordings rather than one JPEG file per frame. This reduces load on the hard disk and increases recording performance and reliability.

Pre- and Post-Event recording

Pre- and Post-event recording allow you to capture the footage before and after an event even though it may not have been tagged as motion. In this way you could, for example, review the footage for 15 seconds before and after motion was detected

Heartbeat frames

Enabling this will periodically save as single frame to disk regardless of whether motion has occurred. This is useful when there are prolonged periods of no motion, and you'd like to be able to confirm this.

Heartbeat recording can also be used to create a timelapse camera when motion recording and pre and post event recording is disabled.