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Configuring for multiple monitors

The Console is able to display a lot of information on the screen at any one time, so iCatcher is the ideal application to make use of a multi-monitor system. Microsoft Windows supports multiple monitors and we always try to use at least 2 monitors on a Console installation with feeds spread across them evenly. If you are able to pick your monitors, the rule is the larger the better, on a 21" screen iCatcher is very impressive.

With a multiple monitor configuration we find that it is best to set up 4, 9 or 16 feeds or windows on each monitor. Some of the layouts also allow for a few feeds to be shown at a larger size while still fitting into the general layout.

When you have "corridor mode" or portrait orientation cameras, each monitor can be individually configured to better fit these cameras via the Look & Feel settings.

The simple rule is to experiment, the design of the Console application means you have the flexibility to arrange the screen as you wish, or you can use the auto arrange function. Once you have found the layout you like, use the preset layout function to save this layout.