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i-Catcher Help

Learn how to set up and use i-Catcher's features to their full potential.

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Configuring as a webcam

To configure i-Catcher as a webcam, it is best to start by switching to the "Webcam" profile that is included in the standard installation. After starting i-Catcher press the Profiles button, highlight the "Webcam" profile and click the Switch to button.

If you have your own web server then the only other configuration you need to change is the path where i-Catcher should save the image file. You can enter this information from the settings window on the Mode tab. You can also choose one of the standard HTML templates if you do not want to write your own page.

If you want to FTP your images to your web space then you also need to fill in your FTP details by clicking on Alerts then FTP on the main menu. Please see the alert settings page for more details.

NOTE: If you want i-Catcher to startup using this profile please set it to be the default profile in the Profiles menu.