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i-Catcher Help

Learn how to set up and use i-Catcher's features to their full potential.

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i-Catcher Wildlife captures fantastic scenes from nature. Have a look at some of the best.

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Find out about suitable equipment for use with i-Catcher, from cameras to lighting, and more.

Cameras - Systems - Accessories - The i-Catcher CCTV Shop offering greated prices and technical support


i-Catcher uses profiles to allow users to quickly switch between different i-Catcher configurations. Standard sample profiles for webcam, motion detection and time lapse are included. Creating new and deleting old profiles is easy, as well as making one the default or making it the active profile. All i-Catcher settings are stored in the profile.

If you want to run more than one copy of i-Catcher on your PC then use different profiles for each copy. If you want to start i-Catcher with a profile other than the default, pass the profile name on the command line. e.g. C:\Program Files\iCatcher\iCatcher.exe "profile name"