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iCatcher software can be purchased for as little as $79. Get instant access to the full iCatcher software.

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iCatcher Digital CCTV Software

Office Security - CCTV Implementation

Security in the office or workplace is now a very real issue. With valuable consumer items like mobile phones and laptop computers becoming more commonplace, thefts from busy offices are on the increase. Recording activities in and around your offices is now simple, you can use the infrastructure of your existing office network to implement a comprehensive CCTV system using iCatcher Technology.

This system is easily configured so that your office PCs are used as normal during the day, maybe with one or two machines running iCatcher for general surveillance. One dedicated console PC, running iCatcher Console, acts as a server, recording all images, and performing management. The scheduling allows you to run different configurations at different times of the day, this can cater for different alerting and recording requirements.

Our own office system is a good example of how to implement iCatcher Technology, for a detailed explanation please click here.